Thursday, 5 May 2011


Today has been a relatively normal day, in the fact that I have been to
work. I like going to the office as it keeps me occupied and is a normal day
for me, I know people think am mad, but they are probably right....

This afternoon I weng for my regular masssage. I enjoy my massage and I
really do feel the beneift when I go.

Am back in the office again tomorrow as I have a conference call, this is my
way of slowly working my way back into work. I know I will probably never go
back full time but a couple of days a week would be enough to please both
mysleg and everyone else.

Chemo went rather uneventfull today which is what I wanted - regimented in
how I take them I didnt even feel sick today from my Anti Sickness drug. I
think some of that has to do with the fact I was occupied working, eithr way
only three more days to go this month and am done again.

Headaches have been a bit sporadic today, have only had 4 painkillers though
so am still in low numbers.

This evening I have been adding more items to the eBay store, its becoming a
daily task now for Tanja and myself, we are taking on the eBay world and
learning new ideas every day.

Anyway need to head off to bed, will update tomorrow.


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