Saturday, 23 April 2011


Today has been a mixed and busy day. We had some appointments this morning
and then we have been shopping

We popped all over town and bought the most random of things - as we usually
do and even managed to stop ourselves from buying lots of things we like, as
downsizing and shopping don't go hand in hand. There is some lovely items
out there suitable for barges, which I'm sure we will be buying when we get
when we buy the barge, which I hope won't be too long away.

The headaches have been around all day today but I didn't take any
painkillers till late this afternoon, so again thats a good sign, and I had
to take some about 10pm as I am tired and the headache has come back, will
be asleep shortly so won't make a difference.

Am up early in the morning to go with my mum to her photo shoot which we got
her for her last birthday, so tomorrow it's my birthday and my mum's
birthday too, so who knows what will happen, and what others have got

The eBay stores are coming along well and were learning all the time about
the little things that make a shop a success, one of these is OOAK which
means One of a Kind, which all Tanja's Handmade items are. The link to her
shop is
&_sop=12&_rdc=1 There is a whole list of unique things as well as CD's and
DVD's. She is also selling material suitable for a whole host of uses, from
Drag frock to bridesmaids dresses, more will be added over the next week as
she sorts stuff out.

Our shop at
is also going well, and I have uploaded a number of other DVD's this evening
there is some classics on here that we have had for years but are all in
brilliant condition all starting at 99p.

Anyway enough of the sales pitch, need to go to bed now as am tired and like
I said I need to be up at 7am.

Will update during the day tomorrow.

Steve x

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