Sunday, 24 April 2011

And were set

Well that's it, it's been a long day as I was up at the crack of a sparrows
fart so that I could go to my mum's photo shoot in town.

It was nice for her, as it was also her birthday as well as mine...

The shoot was over and done with by lunch so we went home and had lunch with
the rest of the folks, it was then time to start packing for our week long
expedition to the wilds of Scotland - or Edinburgh for everyone else. The
amount of clothing we are taking is silly, but you do have to prepare
yourself for anything up there as the weather can change at the drop of a

It's also been my birthday today so have had a lovely day, and had some
lovely gifts from my friends and family, the next week in Scotland is the
best part of my birthday - even though that's not what it's for its just
well timed.

That's it now though all packed, Nick and Geoff (who are also coming with
us) haven packed too and so were ready.

Up tomorrow early so that we can go visit a Castle on the way and then onto

Will update over the week from my IPhone as and when I can, will try and put
pictures in as well if I can......

Till the next time

Steve xx

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