Saturday, 26 March 2011

Our little blue knight...

Today has been probably been th most random of days I have had in a while.

We got up this morning and processed the orders from our eBay shop and and I walked them down to the post office.

Mark followed me down in the car and we set off to the main sorting office
to collect our other parcels - this is becoming a daily task at the moment
as they don't appear to deliver to our house for some strange reason.

From there it was fill up with Diesel, and we were off to South Sheild's to
collect our latest eBay purchase a 4ft Suit of armour.

I have always wanted a suit of armour and this one came up on eBay and Mark
started ti bid on it, not realising where it was.

Anyway we won the bid and we had to go collect.

He's a fun little thing and is painted bright blue. He will be sprayed
silver/grey soon and will live in the garden. I will put a picture of
before and after when its done.

We also popped into see a friend Justian in Durham on the way home - we had
lovely twee sandwiches and sponge cake - perfect for an afternoon tea.

It was then time for the long drive home - which I found hard for some
strange reason even though I obviously wasn't driving. My body just decided
to not want to be in the car and ached all over. I was ok when we got to
ASDA to pick up some bits, I just needed to stretch my body I think.

Tomorrow is going to be another constructive day as we need to sand and
prime some chairs we are working on. I have already stripped the chairs down
of their covers. So after they have been sanded and primed they will be
painted in the week.

Anyway its late and have been up since early this morning so will sign off
and update tomorrow.


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