Saturday, 13 November 2010


Hello my little bloggers.

Well today has definitely been a good day.

Managed to get my work done for the office this morning before a friend
arrived and we discussed a few ideas for her partners business, which we
have learned by running the Trouble Business. Simple ideas that often get
overlooked but are the simplest of things and make such a big difference.

Have also been to the post office with my ever growing eBay sales. These are
starting to roll back in again after a little time of inactivity. The best
thing is, the more sales I have the more I want and the more energy I have
to push the sales and get more listed. A friend I spoke to yesterday told me
that they are now turning over £20k a month on eBay so it can be a viable
business opportunity.

This afternoon my mum came down and took me out for the afternoon, we went
shopping before my treatment to a local shopping centre and picked up basics
(Hand sanitizer, cat food and juice) and then we headed off to Christies for
my treatment.

After I came out of my treatment there was a grl roughly my age who was in
with her Nan. She was on her second Radiotherapy session and was having
major issues with it, o be honest she was petrified. She explained that her
Nan was going into the treatment with a CALM nurse and that they helped her
through the experience.

I explained how it was from my perspective as our treatments are very
similar in respect of the mask etc. and explained that it does get easier,
and the thing that becomes the issue is the waiting for the treatment and
the travelling, as you know once you enter the Radiotherapy Suite you are
generally out aging within 10 minutes, it made them both feel a little
better that they had spoken to someone that had actually experienced the
treatment and the nurse with them also agreed with everything I said.

This also made me feel much better that I am also able to help someone else
overcome the fear of the treatment that I had to overcome myself.

I'm now on a countdown of the number of treatments I have left as I have
completed 16 Radiotherapy sessions now and have only got 14to go all going
well. There is signs of my treatment showing more though now, im bald
completely on the left side of my head in a large patch over my scar area
and the hair on the right side of my head is starting to fall out and go
thinner, this is to be expected.

I also get very achy after treatment especially towards the end of the week.
I found that by taking the advice of the nurses to keep a high intake of
liquid that this helps with the aching and Fatigue. It also helps to keep
meoving sometimes so even though I don't want to go for a walk I go, just to
keep my body moving, and I do feel that this benefits me, even though I
feel tired afterwards, the body doesn't feel as achy, its fir trade off.

After treatment we went to the Trafford Centre to do a little Xmas shopping,
we picked up a few nice things and have now sorted two presents that I
needed to get.

All in all a good day and now have a weekend free of Radiotherapy so just my
Chemo to take but this fits in with my day anyway.

Ready then for Monday when it all starts again.

But I have a full weekend to occupy myself with yet so what mischief can I
get upto? Will only know tomorrow.....

Till then


1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    What a great, upbeat post today! My apologies for not popping by for awhile, I have been on a much needed holiday and couldn't get my blackberry working long enough to post replies to you! However, I have been reading and thinking of you and Mark every day.

    So glad you managed to spend some time with your Mum and that you got a few of your Christmas presents sorted out! I fear my lack of purchases will hit me soon and it will be a mad rush to get everyones presents this year...for some reason I am feeling completely unmotivated!

    It must also have been very encouraging for the lady you spoke to today to see how you are doing and to hear how positive you are about your radiotherapy. Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest differences, hopefully this lady has found her treatments easier after your little chat :)

    Off to read the rest of your posts now!

    Your BT Buddy

    Natalya x
