Friday, 15 June 2012


Theres no blog really from me today, I'm just a little thoughtful, remembering happier times with Stephen. We walked in to our "Wedding" ceremony to this track, for us it was all a Question of Honour. We said we’d love each other forever, his forever just wasn’t as long as mine.

I saw this quote today and it resonated with me:

"You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved,

and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it."

Thank you Stephen for some wonderful memories and for helping make me the person I am today. You may be gone but never forgotten.

I know you’d be pleased for me and the new happiness I’ve found and the lessons I’ve learned from you will stay with me forever.

Sleep well Pud, 831 x

1 comment:

  1. 'Thinking of you today, Mark, on this first anniversary of Stephen's death. I simply love the quotation you posted and also Sarah Brightman's very touching/meaningful performance of "A Question of Honour," too............ what a *lovely* remembrance, and tribute, for Stephen today!!

    I hate, genuinely hate, how cancer has affected so, so many of us. Yesterday (June 14th), my Dad----86 and a WWII Navy Veteran/retired cotton farmer----was diagnosed with (a fast-growing) urinary bladder cancer, but his surgeon is hopeful that he successfully removed the #3 bleeding growths in my Dad's urinary bladder last week.

    Anyway, I am *ever-inspired* by your very moving story, Mark, of having found true love............ of your losing that precious love to cancer............ then of your being COURAGEOUS enough to accept another's love, (i.e., with Stephen, no doubt, being pleased, too)............ *o.n.c.e. a.g.a.i.n.*
