Friday, 14 January 2011


Well I did it again yesterday. I forgot to blog. The day was pretty mundane. I worked all day for the office. I'm getting myself into a routine of a full day at my desk ready for when am allowed to return to the office.

It does make me tired but of anything its the change of routine that am working to break. No more homes under the hammer for me. Even the small jobs I were doing like dishes etc now get left to when I come home from the office as it were, therefore I'm back to normal.

Last night we popped to Nick and Geoffs for a few hours then back home ready for Shameless and bed.

Other than that I'm finding my life is pretty mundane and getting back to normal.

Will update later on today. Have only done this as my machine is crawling..

Sent via the Trouble BlackBerry®

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