Saturday, 29 January 2011

Scans, and falling asleep

Well yesterday was my scan, and as expected went without a hitch.

I'm becoming an old pro at these things now and don't tend to worry about
them, if I need a line in my arm, them I need a line in my arm, not an

I still find it fascinating that the machines are multimillion pond machines
and they make one hell of a noise. I understand why they are noisy, but I
still find it comical.

I should hopefully get the results on Wednesday when I next have my meeting
at the hospital.

Last night Matt Martin came round as he was having a photo shoot with
another friend for his new business venture.

We had dinner, (chippy tea) and then all went round to Nick and Geoff's
where Chris was there too so we had a laugh about all old things and watched
a very low budget film, very predictable but funny. One problem is we didn't
leave till gone one, I was asleep well before midnight on the sofa. The
problem was I had had a small drink too, Nick decided that I could have a
Martini and Lemonade. Was nice to actually have a drink and as it was only a
low ABV wasn't really not an issue.

Today is eBay sales day so I have to make my way to the post office with a
load of parcels, then this afternoon its upload more ready for Sunday.

Will update later with what am upto, need a shower and get to the post
office before 12 so need to get a wriggle on.

Steve x

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