Friday, 6 November 2009

Small Pleasures

Well it is true, life is full of small pleasures and, every cloud DOES have a silver lining.  We were both quite upset at the thought of not working this weekend and missing the company of our friends in Southport so, to commiserate we have decided to have a nice meal in tonight and then retire to the snug with a bottle (or three) of wine.  We’re both sat here now having finished the first bottle and getting stuck in to the second, very enjoyable.  We have scoffed some of the Bombay mix hand made by Meesha’s mum and are now tucking in to the box of chocs that Mike & Elaine got us, I’m snuggled in the deepest part of the corner suite with my feet up and just relaxing.



Usually about now we would be warming up for our night at the crown but seeing as we have left we are enjoying a night off – hence the small pleasure and the silver lining is that I don’t have to drive home at silly o’clock in the morning so I am able to have a drink.



Things have not been great this week, we have heard that our ex business partners are gossiping about us and generally being malicious, it’s disappointing more than anything as we had credited them with being more adult than that but hey ho.  We could retaliate with and be very difficult but then that’s not our style, we believe in karma, what goes around comes around and also I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, only when they take the piss out of us do we retaliate... it’s heading that way but we are trying to be patient.... in fact we are being more patient than we have ever been!



Either way nothing is gonna spoil our first Friday off work since April so “Bottom Up!”  Thanks for the suggestion Elaine xXx

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