Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Well another weekend has flown by, and already we're planning next weekend – and beyond. There doesn't appear to be a free time when we're not planning another event or something for one of the websites.

This week is mainly centred around www.DragQueenSuperstore.com after a couple of weeks of not a lot of activity there will be a mountain of work completed on the site, you guys may not see 90% of what we actually do, but it's beginning to take up more and more time. Bobbie has also been updating the www.SewWow.co.uk website. This is the website of the lovely lady that does all our costumes – she's a dab hand with a sewing machine and can make anything out of a roll of fabric, the only limitation she has is your imagination.

We have already ordered our July Gowns and our August Gowns are well under construction. We also have a really exciting parcel being delivered in the next few weeks from the USA, the contents of this parcel will be unveiled very soon…

  • Update, as I was writing this Blog I had an email to state that the parcel should be shipped tomorrow, so who know the unveiling might even be this weekend….

The crown is going from strength to strength, and Saturday nights the Crown is THE place to be, if you're up for a laugh and a good time.

Anyway, I just realised I left this blog unfinished overnight.

It's Tuesday morning now so I'm going to submit this one now and attempt to write another one today.

Until Later.



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